Monday 24 December 2012

Merry Christmas everyone!!!!

Hello everyone, I am back!!!! It has been a while since I posted. For the last one month, I have been extremely busy. I have to look for movers to pack and move our big items to Sydney. We got a 40 foot container to ship those items to Sydney - door to door. Apart from that, I have to pack and sort out a lot of things which I have kept over the years. It was time like this when we began to wonder, “why on earth did i buy all these things when in reality I didn’t even use half of it?” I guess it is human nature to just “buy and own it”, thinking that we may use it one day or the “thing” may become handy someday. I suppose the greatest draw is the sense of having to “own it” that makes a person buy it.

We have also sold our old family home in Klang and the premises where my office is located has been rented out. So, there you have it - we have to sort and clear all of our things in 3 different places. Jennifer and I had a massive headache of what to keep and what to throw away. Somehow, for me, I have form certain emotional attachment to some of the items. For example, a particular pen that was given to me by a close friend seem to find an emotional attachment to me. The pen was no longer usable. The practical thing is to throw it away but the emotional part of me says to keep it. However, at the end of the day, the practical side of things won. The best compromise I did was to take a photo of the pen and it became part of the history in my life.

The packers were very good and efficient in their job. I will be writing more about the packers later in the blog. But for now, my family and I would like to wish everyone a very “Merry Christmas” and all the very best.

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