Sunday 31 July 2016

Can you tell a person's character from a cup of tea?

I too wonder. You can tell a person’s character or personality by the way the person acts, talks, through the person’s gestures or even by the way the person eats. But by the person making a cup of tea? Weird as it may sound but let me share with you a story.

Recently, I visited a long time friend (whom I would refer to as Mike) that I have not seen for quite a while. Mike is known for making a delicious cup of tea with spices and boiled milk. However this time, all Mike did was put a tea bag into a cup, added some hot water from the tap, poured some milk and then placed the cup in the microwave. It was one of the worst tea I have ever tasted. What shocked me most was the effort that Mike put into making a cup of tea, especially for an old friend who rarely visits him due to the distance of 1,000km left me speechless. The least he could do for a long time friend was to make a decent cup of tea which his friend requested and which Mike is known for. Mike's reason was that he he was “too lazy” to make it. Well, I guess to Mike, "laziness" takes above long time friendship. All it took was just  5 minutes to make that special tea which Mike eventually did after I asked him for a glass of water when returning the “microwave tea” to him.  However, it is as clear as day that the effort in making a “a cup of tea” tells me how much Mike valued our friendship. Anyway as former Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore said, “that’s life, move on”.

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